Online Collaboration in Design
Important Dates
7 May Abstracts
14 May Notification of acceptance
25 May Draft full workshop paper due
5 June 9:00am-12:30pm Workshop
30 June Invitation to submit revised papers to the special issue

Workshop Aim:

Large companies face new challenges and dilemmas in organizing global R&D. R&D teams are located all around the world and the roles distributed between Research and Development teams have evolved dramatically in the last 10 years. Different locations can be involved in the design processes depending on their domain of expertise, availability of resources, market proximity, manufacturing location etc. Moreover, the organizational gap between Research dedicated teams in charge of developing new knowledge, technologies, concept and innovation, and the development teams in charge of meeting market requirements by managing product development has drastically changed.
New communication needs and therefore the requirements for communication tools are therefore appearing. Web 2.0 technologies and collaborative technologies offer new opportunities to support these needs. But few studies had been carried out to study these online interactions in design activity supported by forums, wiki, chat or other dedicated tools, especially in the context of global R&D.
The aim of this workshop is to gather, discuss and share research results and methodologies concerning empirical studies of online interaction within R&D groups.

Topics include:

  • Analyzing and modeling online interactions in design activity
  • Measuring or monitoring of design collaboration
  • Requirements for computer mediated collaborative design


Workshop Chair

Eric Blanco, University of Grenoble, France
Franck Pourroy, University of Grenoble, France

Program Committee

Janet McDonell, University of the Arts, London, UK
Ozgur Eris, Delft University of Technology, The Netherland
Jean-Charles Marty, LIRIS, Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France

Workshop Notes


Workshop format:

The workshop session will be organized as a review session to discuss papers and suggest improvement to authors.
The selected papers will be shared among the participants just before the workshop. Participants will then be invited to read other authors' work and to contribute to the review discussions during the workshop.

Each author will also be invited to complete the full review of one of those papers prior to the workshop, and to discuss it during the workshop session. The objective is to share insights between participants and to prepare each author for reworking papers into a suitable form for submission to the formal peer review stage of CoDesign
journal publication.


Submission information:

Participation in the workshop will be based on abstracts (500 words) or full paper. Submit here.
Accepted authors will be invited to prepare draft full papers for May 25th.
After the workshop, a shortlist of the discussed papers will be invited to submit for a special Issue of the CoDesign journal.
Papers submitted for journal publication will then follow the peer review and selection process.
The special issue of CoDesign is planned for 2013.

Attendees at the workshop need to register either as an addition to the DCC'12 conference registration at a cost of $25, or if not registered for the conference at a cost of $50. Please go the Registration page to register.

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