John S. Gero

In Progress


In Progress (2018-2020)


  1. Gero, JS (ed) (2019) Design Computing and Cognition'18, Springer, 740 pp. (link)


  1. Ashrafganjouei, M and Gero, JS (2020) Exploring the effect of visual constraint on students' design cognition, AIEDAM (pdf)
  2. Becker, K, Gero, JS, Pourmohamadi, M, Abdellahi, S, Almeida, L and Luo, Y (2018) Quantifying differences between professional expert engineers and engineering students designing: Empirical foundations for improved engineering education, Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah: ASEE2018 Paper ID #21338. (pdf)
  3. Chrysikou, E and Gero, JS (2020) Using neuroscience techniques to understand and improve design cognition, AIMS Neuroscience, 7(3): 319-326. doi: 10.3934/Neuroscience.2020018 (link)
  4. Gero, JS (2019) Measuring students not just their output: The new fields of engineering cognitiometrics, physiometrics and neurometrics, Clive L Dym Mudd Design Workshop XI, Claremont College, CA (pdf)
  5. Gero, JS (2019) From design cognition to design neurocognition, CogSci 2019, Montreal, Canada
  6. Gero, JS (2020) Editorial: Nascent directions for design creativity research, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 8(3): 144-146. (link) (pdf)
  7. Gero, JS, Becker, KH, Luo, Y, Almeida, L, Abdellahi, S and Kan, JWT (2019) Empirical foundations for improved engineering education: Differences between engineering students and professional expert engineers while designing, 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, Florida. Paper ID #25295, 16 pp. (pdf)
  8. Gero, JS and Milovanovic, J (2019) The situated Function-Behavior-Structure co-design model, Co-Design, DOI: 10.1080/15710882.2019.1654524 (link)(pdf)
  9. Gero, JS and Milovanovic, J (2020) A framework for studying design thinking through measuring designers' minds, bodies and brains, Design Science, 6, E19. DOI:10.1017/dsj.2020.15 (link) (pdf)
  10. Gero, JS, Yu, R and Wells, J (2019) Creative design cognition differences between high school students with and without design education, E Dekoninck, A Wodehouse, C Snider, G Georgiev and G Cascini (eds), Fifth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2018, University of Bath and Design Society, pp. 5.5: 1-8. (pdf)
  11. Gero, JS, Yu, R and Wells, J (2019) The effect of design education on the creative design cognition of high school students, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 7(4): 196-212. DOI: 10.1080/21650349.2019.1628664 (pdf)
  12. Hu, M, Shealy, T and Gero, JS (2018) Neuro-cognitive differences among engineering students when using unstructured, partially structured and structured concept generation techniques, Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah: ASEE2018. (pdf)
  13. Hurst, A, Nespoli, O, Abdellahi, S and Gero, JS (2019) A comparison of the design activity of academics and pratitioners using the FBS ontology: A case study, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2019. DOI:10.1017/dsi.2019.138 (pdf)
  14. Kannengiesser, U and Gero, JS (2019) Ekphrasis as a basis for a framework for creative design processes, in JS Gero (ed), Design Computing and Cognition'18, Springer, pp. 265-283. (pdf)
  15. Kannengiesser, U and Gero, JS (2019) Design thinking, fast and slow, Design Science, 5(e10), DOI: 10.1017/dsj.2019.9 (link)
  16. Kannengiesser, U and Gero, JS (2019) Empirical evidence for Kahneman's system 1 and system 2 thinking in design, in Y Eriksson and K Paetzold (eds), Human Behavior in Design, UniBw M, Germany, pp. 89-100. (pdf)
  17. Kim, J, Maher, ML, Gero, JS and Sauda, E (2018) Metaphor: A tool for designing the next generation of human-building interaction, eCAADe 36, pp. 149-158. (pdf)
  18. Lammi, M, Wells, J and Gero, JS (2020) High school pre-engineering students' engineering design cognition, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, online 22 July 2020 (link)
  19. Lee, L, Yu, R, Kan, JWT and Gero, JS (2018) Exploring the differences between designing and describing designing, DTRS12 Workshop, Korea (pdf)
  20. Milovanovic, J and Gero, JS (2018) Exploration of cognitive design behavior during design critiques, DESIGN 2018, D Marjanovic, PJ Clarkson, U Lindemann, T McAloone and C Weber (eds), Human Behavior in Design Vol. 5, pp. 2099-2110. (pdf)
  21. Milovanovic, J and Gero, JS (2019) Exploration of gender diversity effects on design team dynamics, in Y Eriksson and K Paetzold (eds), Human Behavior in Design, UniBw M, Germany, pp. 101-112. (pdf)
  22. Milovanovic, J and Gero, JS (2020) Modeling design studio pedagogy: A mentored reflective practice, DESIGN 2020 (to appear) (pdf)
  23. Milovanovic, J, Hu, M, Shealy, T and Gero, JS (2020) Evolution of brain network connectivity in the prefrontal cortex during concept generation using brainstorming for a design task, ASME IDETC, paper DETC2020-22563 (to appear) (pdf)
  24. Neramballi, A, Tomohiko Sakao, T and Gero, JS (2019) What do experienced practitioners discuss when designing Product/Service Systems? in JS Gero (ed), Design Computing and Cognition'18, Springer, pp. 361-380. (pdf)
  25. Neramballi, A, Tomohiko Sakao, T and Gero, JS (2019) Effects of a design support on practitioners designing a Product/Service System - a case study,in Y Eriksson and K Paetzold (eds), Human Behavior in Design, UniBw M, Germany, pp.11-22. (pdf)
  26. Park, Y, Gero, JS, Broesamle, M and Hoelscher, C (2020) Embodied design cognition: Effects of information granularity and task on gestures while interpreting architectural plans, ANFA Conference (to appear)
  27. Peng, W, Adikari, A, Alahakoon, D and Gero, JS (2019) Discovering the influence of sarcasm in social media responses, WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2019;e1331, (pdf)
  28. Perisic, M, Storga, M and Gero, JS (2019) Exploring the effect of experience on team behavior: A computational approach, in JS Gero (ed), Design Computing and Cognition'18, Springer, pp. 595-612. (pdf)
  29. Perisic, M, Storga, M and Gero, JS (2019) Situated novelty in computational creativity studies, in K Grace, M Cook, D Ventura and ML Maher (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Creativity, pp. 286-290. (pdf)
  30. Perisic, M, Martinec, S, Storga, M and Gero, JS (2019) A computational study of the effect of experience on problem/solution space exploration in teams, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2019. DOI:10.1017/dsi.2019.4 (pdf)
  31. Sakao, T, Gero, JS and Mizuyama H (2020) Analysing cognitive processes of a Product/Service-System design session using protocol analysis, AIEDAM (to appear) (pdf)
  32. Shealy, T, Hu, M and Gero, JS (2018) Patterns of cortical activation when using concept generation techniques of brainstorming, morphologivcal analysis and TRIZ, ASME IDETC, paper DETC2018-86272. doi: 10.1115/DETC2018-86272 (pdf).
  33. Shealy, T and Gero, JS (2019) The neurocognition of three engineering concept generation techniques, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2019. DOI:10.1017/dsi.2019.189 (pdf)
  34. Shealy, T, Gero, JS, Milovanovic, J and Hu, M (2020) Sustaining creativity with neuro-cognitive feedback: a preliminary study, In Boujut, J-F., Gaetano, C., Ahmed-Kristensen, S., Georgiev, G. & Iivari, N. (Eds), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2020), Design Society, pp. 84.91. (pdf)
  35. Shealy, T, Gero, JS, Hu, M and Milovanovic, J (2020) Concept generation techniques change patterns of brain activation during engineering design, Design Science (to appear) (draft pdf)
  36. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Delmoral, J, Fernandes, C, Gattol, V and Fernandes, A (2018) Workshop Paper: Studying the neurophysiology of designing through an EEG study of layout design: Preliminary results, DCC'18 Workshop on Neurophysiological Measures and Biometric Analyses in Design Research, Lecco, Italy, July 2018. (pdf)
  37. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Delmoral, J, Gattol, V, Fernandes, C, Parente, M and Fernandes, A (2020) Industrial designers problem-solving and designing: an EEG study, ReDes2019 (to appear) (pdf)
  38. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Delmoral, J, Fernandes, C, Gattol, V and Fernandes, A (2019) Insights from an EEG study of mechanical engineers problem solving and designing, Human Behavior in Designing Conference, in Y Eriksson and K Paetzold (eds), Human Behavior in Design, UniBw M, Germany, pp. 23-34. (pdf)
  39. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Delmoral, J, Gattol, V, Fernandes, C and Fernandes, A (2019) Comparing the design neurocognition of mechanical engineers and architects: A study of the effect of designer's domain, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), Delft, The Netherlands, 5-8 August 2019. doi:10.1017/dsi.2019.191
  40. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Delmoral, J, Gattol, V, Fernandes, C and Fernandes, A (2019) Understanding the design neurocognition of mechanical engineers when designing and problem-solving, ASME IDETC, paper IDETC2019-97838 (pdf)
  41. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Gattol, V, Demoral, J, Li, S, Cascini, G and Fernandes, A (2020) The neurophysiological activations of novice and experienced professionals when designing and problem-solving, DESIGN 2020 (to appear) (pdf)
  42. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Demoral, J, Li, S, Cascini, G and Fernandes, A (2020) Space layout design and sketching: A study of architects neurophysiological activations, ANFA (to appear)
  43. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Li, S, Gattol, V, Fernandes, C (2020) Brain activity in constrained and open design spaces: An EEG study. In J-F. Boujet, et. al. (eds), The Sixth International Conference on Design Creativity-ICDC2020, Design Society, pp. 68-75.(pdf)
  44. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Delmoral, J, Gattol, V, Fernandes, C and Fernandes, A (2020) The neurophysiological activations of mechanical engineers and industrial designers while designing and problem-solving, Design Science, 6, E26. doi:10.1017/dsj.2020.26. (pdf)
  45. Yu, R and Gero, JS (2018) Using eye-tracking to study designers' cognitive behaviour when designing with CAAD, in P. Rajagopalan (ed), Engaging Architectural Science: Meeting the Challenges of Higher Density: 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association, pp. 443-451. (pdf)
  46. Yu, R and Gero, JS (2020) The effect of digital design representation on designers' visual attention, S Boess, M Cheung and R Cain (eds), Proceedings DRS2020, Design Research Society, pp. 2234-2244 (pdf)

Current Working Papers

  1. Bonnardel, N and Gero, JS The possible of design, entry for Encyclopedia of the Possible
  2. Gero, JS, Becker, K and Milovanovic, J Cognitive differences between professional expert engineers and engineering students while designing
  3. Gero, JS and Milovanovic, J Sentiment and design team behavior
  4. Hu, M, Shealy, T, Milovanovic, J and Gero, JS Neuro-cognitive feedback: A prospective approach to sustain idea generation during brainstorming
  5. Kannengiesser, U and Gero, JS What distinguishes a model of system engineering from other models of design?
  6. Kelly, N and Gero, JS Situations, knowledge and conceptual spaces.
  7. Kelly, N and Gero, JS Design thinking and computational thinking: An ontology for metacognitive approaches to problems (pdf)
  8. Kelly, N, Sosa, R, Evans, R and Gero, JS Studying design framing: definitions, representations, and possibilities (pdf)
  9. Park, Y, Broesamle, M, Gero, JS and Hoelscher, C Investigating architects' gesture and gaze behaviors while interpreting design drawings
  10. Perisic, M, Storga, M and Gero, JS Computational study on design space expansion in teams
  11. Milovanovic, J and Gero, JS Micro-analysis of team design: The temporal formation and dissolution of sub-teams while designing
  12. Milovanovic, J, Gero, JS and Becker, K Decomposition and recomposition strategies of professional engineering design teams
  13. Milovanovic, J, Shealy, T, Hu, M. and Gero, JS Evolution of brain network connectivity in the prefrontal cortex during concept generation using brainstorming for a design task
  14. Milovanovic, J, Shealy, T, Hu, M. and Gero, JS Temporal dynamics of brain activation during three concept generation techniques
  15. Nespoli, O, Hurst, A and Gero JS Exploring a novel virtual tutor studio pedagogy - A case study
  16. Vieira, S, Benedek, M, Gero, JS, Cascini, G and Li, S Brain activity of industrial designers in constrained and open design: The effect of gender on frequency bands
  17. Vieira, S, Gero, JS, Cascini, G and Li, S What is the relationship between think-aloud protocol results and neurophysiological activations of designers?
  18. Wong, P, Yu, R and Gero, JS Reading architectural elements and spaces: An eye-tracking exploration

Unpublished Working Papers

  1. Bilda, Z and Gero, JS Imagery as a tool to improve idea development. (pdf)
  2. Cha, MY and Gero, JS Shape pattern representation for design computation. (pdf)
  3. Gero, JS and Kannengiesser, U Modelling situated design optimization. (pdf)
  4. Gero, JS and Kannengiesser, U Creative designing: An ontological view and its implications for computational creativity.
  5. Gero, JS and Kannengiesser, U Commonalities across designing: Evidence from models of designing and experiments (pdf)
  6. Gero, JS, Kazakov, V and Tsirlin, A Design richness and design representation, or What's in a square? - Preliminary Draft. (pdf)
  7. Gero, JS and Smith GJ A computational framework for concept formation for a situated design agent: Gero and Fujii revisited. (pdf)
  8. Gero, JS and Smith GJ A computational framework for concept formation for a situated design agent: Constructive memory. (pdf)
  9. Gero, JS and Yu, R What are you looking at when you are using CAAD? An exploratory study using eye-tracking when designing with parametric CAAD, (draft pdf)
  10. Jiang, H and Gero, JS Modeling team design activities: An extended linkography approach.
  11. Kannengiesser, U and Gero, JS Communication: A design perspective.
  12. Peng, W and Gero, JS Situated concept formation from interactions: An implementable constructive memory model. (pdf)
  13. Yu, R and Gero, JS Ontologically based design patterns in parametric design - result from a pilot study.
  14. Yukhina, E and Gero, JS Spatial abilities and designing: A psychometric study of architecture students.